Sunday, July 18, 2010


I love my home. I had the rare experience of reliving a little bit of childhood during my stay at home this past week. I went to church with my mom and dad, made my dad lunch, watched TV with them and just hung around the house. I love living in the country, and one thing that I never loved as a child was moving cows.... haha So today after church I had just finished changing out of my sunday clothes when I noticed dad moving the cows.

I grabbed my sunglasses and flip flops, shoes he would have hated to see years ago, and headed outside to help. The cows moved easily, as my dad has very well fed and well trained cattle, but the calves stayed in the opposite field. This proves to me, cows are stupid. :) Of course the minute we shut the gates the baby calves started crying to their mothers, now in the opposite field. Then, dad asked me to go close the other gate, which wasn't a problem at all, but as I headed over to the gate he asked me to get the bucket as well. Seems pretty harmless right? WRONG! That bucket contained corn that the cows were licking up like crazy! And um, yeah, I am SCARED TO DEATH of cows. So I slowly crept towards the cows, shooing them as best I could to get them away from the bucket. Then, the bull started following me out, so I had to turn around show him the empty bucket, and then turn around on my way.

Needless to say I made it out alive from my cow experience.. haha Then my dad showed me another wonderful enjoyment of living on a farm. I followed my dad into the barn to put up the buckets; mine I called the 'slobber bucket,' because the cows licked it clean and there was slobber all over it! My dad told me he had found some kittens, and I asked what kind. Well, we walked over to the cattle stall in the barn and behind a barrel was a beautiful smokey gray kitten looking up at me. I asked my dad how man there were, and he said he knew of two, but there could be more. Just as those words were spoken, the second kitten revealed itself behind the barrel. I am excited to go home and see those kittens again. They truly were beautiful, and I just love kittens and cats. :)

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