Tuesday, July 19, 2011

30 Days

The waiting is almost over... It is hard to believe that is has been almost three months since the tornado.. and and almost three months since I have seen Hunter. I am thankful for the 5 minute phone calls, (sometimes I get a 20 minute call!!), that assure me that he is doing well.

Yesterday's letters said that God has blessed us through this journey. And I could only agree. I am so happy to have gone through this time with Hunter, and I am so glad that he was willing to go through this time with me. I couldn't be happier, and the legacy of letters and memories from this summer filled with old school communication, aka 'snail mail', will be memories and times I will not soon forget.

30 days.. 30 days left until I travel to Arkansas to make the journey to Missouri with Hunter's parents. I was fortunate to have coffee with them on their most recent visit this weekend. The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather and I had a great time sitting outside Starbucks just taking the time to chat. We solidified plans for my coming and I am so thankful to have such a blessed relationship with Hunter's parents!

30 days. When I first started this countdown 76 days ago, I almost felt as if I would never make it to this point. Don't get me wrong, there have been times I was so sad, or worried, and I wasn't sure that I could deal with him being gone. But God has provided and blessed. God has given me the much needed time to focus on my studies while Hunter was away, and has strengthened me and grown me in ways I never thought possible.

I am so thankful for what God has blessed me with through Hunter. I pray that the Lord would continue to draw me close to Him over the next 30 days, and then continue to draw me closer beyond that time. What an amazing chapter to add to my journey. God's blessings are definitely better than anything that we could ever imagine!

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