Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kill them with Kindness

Many of us have heard that saying. When someone is mean, rude or ugly... kill them with kindness. How easy it is to say, but hard to practice.

I am not sure if I have ever mentioned a certain someone at work that has made my job unbearable at times. A man who, for some unknown reason, has always been rude to me... that is, if our paths ever crossed, otherwise, he ignored me.

Examples of interaction are as follows:
1. The first Friday I worked alone, without the other Office Associate, checks didn't come in as the usually do. This ended up being a problem with campus mail and payroll, and had nothing to do with me. However, the remark was made that "nothing gets done around here when *** is gone."

2. I like to smile at people as I walk by... when walking through the shop one day "What are you smiling for...?

As hard as it was not to be rude back... I tried my best, I kept quiet, and only said nice things. God laid on my heart to pray for this man; and a familiar voice of a friends mom came to mind: "Everyone has gone through different things, you don't know how they were raised..."

I can't tell you that this was easy, or that I wanted to be nice to him... honestly, I had to work really hard to be nice to this man.

Today, my prayers were answered. This morning, he walked into my office (I was scared, as always of the impending reaction). This time it was different. He said, there is something I have been meaning to say... If I have ever been ugly to you, I want to apologize. You have went out of your way to be nice to me, and I am sorry.

WOW! Praise God!!! Many blessings come at the most unexpected times. What a blessing, and praise be to God!!

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